Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Taking In Others' Pain

On a day when various news sources have stories about preparing for the pandemic, stories from Hurrican Katrina also continue. The New Mexican newspaper has started a blog for people who are displaced and in Santa Fe - there's the tale of a couple from the opposite side of the tracks - well off but still displaced - their experiences and their reference to an amazing video of musician Charles Neville's daughter talking with the Archbishop of New Orleans.

What shocked me was not her experience, we've been hearing so many extraordinary tales of escape and survival. I was shocked by my own reaction. I watched and found myself wondering if all that she described 'really' happened, or was she in some traumatic state and imagining some of what she described.

What causes disbelief? What strange self-protective function won't allow us to fully open to others' pain or shuts down a compassionate instinct? Here are the links: http://www.freenewmexican.com/news/32494.html and http://www.wafb.com plus a picture of Charmaine in better times.

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